Friday, March 6, 2015

Fwd: Iban crafts

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From: "Cathleen M. Combs" <>
Date: March 6, 2015 at 5:41:46 PM GMT+8
To: <boneo>
Subject: Iban crafts

Iban crafts

Despite the heat, we enjoyed the 36 hours.  We had a welcoming dance the night of our arrival.  The food was outstanding.  We did a tour of the farm, where our guide showed us the various plants on the farm and in the jungle used by the  villagers. 
Here you can see the interior of the longhouse.  Families live in narrow lodgings off of this corridor.  The hallway is communal.  There is an outdoor veranda parallel to the corridor. 
We slept on mattresses under mosquito netting in the corridor.
We had crafts demonstrations. The woman is preparing to make mats and the man is making darts for a blow gun. 

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